2010 Predictions

It is a time of the year that can really consume you if you let it. We came up with a list of where we think the youth fitness industry is going in the near future and we wanted to know what you thought and what your goals are for this upcoming year. The first five people will recieve a free written beginner workout. Don't hestitate as you do not want to miss this opportunity. On your mark...get set, and go. 1) Youth Fitness Training will continue to grow at a rapid rate 2) Exercise companies will start making machines or instruments geared towards youth athletes 3) The market will be flooded with trainers that want to tap into this market without any expertise 4) There will be more books and DVD’s geared towards youth athletes 5) The hardcore gyms will become more popular for youth athletes as results will trump pretty gyms 6) Parents will start seeing the value of a long term plan for development as it helps to have someone that is very familiar with your child’s strengths and w...