The State of Youth Fitness

The Youth Speed movement is in trouble because of the level of fitness of youth athletes. Youth athletes are more concerned with texting, watching television, and surfing the internet these days. This has caused a level of obesity that was unheard of in the past. Youth Speed Athletes in the past played outside more and participated in activities that involved jumping, twisting, running, and squatting more often. Society has decided to ignore this problem by decreasing P.E. classes and physical activity. Consequently, we have athletes that enter middle school or high school weak, slow, and unprepared physically. The lag in physical preparedness to develop speed is why we created the “Youth Guide to Fitness.” We want every athlete, parent, or coach that reads this manual to be empowered with the tools to create a better youth speed athlete on and off the field. The first issue that needs to be addressed to improve youth speed is the mindset of the youth athlete. We are firm believers in ...