Are Coaches Making You Slower after Football Games?

I thought about what we did in college after a game. Then again, that depended on whether we won or lost. We generally watched some film, which was equally as brutal as the run afterwards. We would get ripped apart about not being where we were supposed to be on different plays. But it did teach us a lot about the game of football. My problem was the coaches running us into the ground as their way of relieving the soreness from Saturday’s games. It does not make sense now that I know better. After a game, most football players are sore from the heavy lactic acid build up in their muscles, the knots in the muscles from tissue damage, and mentally drained. The last thing you want to do is another conditioning session of gassers as that will produce more lactic acid in the muscles. Remember, the post game workout should be about RECOVERY. Speed work is out of the question as the athletes’ muscles are in a state of fatigue. And they would not be able to sprint at a maximal effort. Furtherm...