
Showing posts from 2009

2010 Predictions

It is a time of the year that can really consume you if you let it. We came up with a list of where we think the youth fitness industry is going in the near future and we wanted to know what you thought and what your goals are for this upcoming year. The first five people will recieve a free written beginner workout. Don't hestitate as you do not want to miss this opportunity. On your mark...get set, and go. 1) Youth Fitness Training will continue to grow at a rapid rate 2) Exercise companies will start making machines or instruments geared towards youth athletes 3) The market will be flooded with trainers that want to tap into this market without any expertise 4) There will be more books and DVD’s geared towards youth athletes 5) The hardcore gyms will become more popular for youth athletes as results will trump pretty gyms 6) Parents will start seeing the value of a long term plan for development as it helps to have someone that is very familiar with your child’s strengths and w

The Nine Year Old NFL Draftee

I was at the barber shop this weekend and while I was waiting for my sons to get their haircuts I opened a sports magazine. It was talking about what pro athletes were doing to get prepared for their season. These particular athletes were lifting a 300 lb wheelbarrow uphill, flipping tires, and using a sledgehammer. It got me thinking about how many parents or coaches look at these magazines and start using the routines in workouts on nine year olds. They think that if it is good enough for the pros it is good enough for their youth athlete. Trust me that every youth athlete is different and must have a program designed for them to maximize their potential. That is why we have a beginner, intermediate, and advanced program. Learn the #1 reason youth athletes do not improve their speed by signing up for our free eBook at There are reasons that the faster youth athletes are not very good at running long distances. Yet, many of today's youth coache

The Starter Guide To Youth Fitness

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the word starter? Most people we talk to think of something that is in the beginning stages. That is exactly the message we were trying to send. We wanted a manual that would help youth athletes learn the basics of what it takes to be a superior athlete. Frankly, we were tired of seeing high school athletes that were weak as dish water and slow as molasses. Parents were so quick to accept the fact that their kids were slow, but what we found was that proper training can make a big difference. Before, you think little Johnny will always be slow, let us provide you with the fundamentals to enhance his nutrition, strength, agility, speed, mental prep, and recovery. How is it that an athlete can play athletics for half of their lives without ever receiving proper instruction? We are not talking about difficult advance techniques that the pro’s use. We are talking about basic movements like squatting, lunging, twisting, crawlin

The State of Youth Fitness

The Youth Speed movement is in trouble because of the level of fitness of youth athletes. Youth athletes are more concerned with texting, watching television, and surfing the internet these days. This has caused a level of obesity that was unheard of in the past. Youth Speed Athletes in the past played outside more and participated in activities that involved jumping, twisting, running, and squatting more often. Society has decided to ignore this problem by decreasing P.E. classes and physical activity. Consequently, we have athletes that enter middle school or high school weak, slow, and unprepared physically. The lag in physical preparedness to develop speed is why we created the “Youth Guide to Fitness.” We want every athlete, parent, or coach that reads this manual to be empowered with the tools to create a better youth speed athlete on and off the field. The first issue that needs to be addressed to improve youth speed is the mindset of the youth athlete. We are firm believers in

Pre-Release Announcement

Welcome to our official pre-release of our upcoming book “Youth Guide to Fitness.” Our E-book will offer an affordable way to be trained by coaches Lamour and Jordan. This book will destroy the myths of certain youths not being able to improve their speed. Please let us know if you have any questions as we look to launch in the next two weeks. Thanks.